The Reflection of Israel within British Jewry

  The Reflection of Israel within British Jewry   A Special Role British Jewry has played a unique role in the often ambivalent relationship between Britain and Israel. Sometimes it has been characterised as an emboldened advocate for Zionism during the Atlee government during the late1940s. On other occasions, it has been seen as an … Read more

The Assassination of Rabin

Nullifying Oslo: The Attempt to Impede Israeli-Palestinian Reconciliation   The murder of Yitzhak Rabin in November 1995 was a watershed in the campaign of incitement of the Israeli far Right against the Oslo Agreement.  Yigal Amir, Rabin’s assassin, was not considered insane or unbalanced before the killing, merely another right wing activist supporting the settlers. … Read more

Reading The Guardian: Jews, Israel-Palestine and the Origins of Irritation

Reading The Guardian: Jews, Israel-Palestine and the Origins of Irritation According to the organisation ‘Reporting the World’, there were 4393 mentions of Israel and the Palestinians in the British press from the start of the Al Aqsa Intifada, 29 September 2000 until 20 March 2001. 1 The coverage of the Intifada by The Guardian, in … Read more