Routledge Handbook on Zionism (2024)

Routledge Handbook on Zionism

This Handbook, the first of its kind, provides an in- depth examination of the evolution, ideology, history and culture of Zionism and its various movements. Distancing itself from the slogans and cliches of advocacy, the volume provides much-needed context and background on the emergence of Zionism. The Handbook is divided into eight parts – with contributions from some … Read more

The Hebrew Republic: Israel’s Return to History (2017)

The saga of Israel is fascinating, unique, and controversial. Yet the whole is constructed from individual episodes. This book concentrates on relating such episodes rather than narrating a formal, conventional history up until the present day. Each section deals with a different aspect of this journey through the decades. The chapters are based on the … Read more

The Rise of the Israeli Right: From Odessa to Hebron (2015)

The Israeli Right first came to power nearly four decades ago. Its election was described then as ‘an earthquake’, and its reverberations are still with us. How then did the Right rise to power? What are its origins? Colin Shindler traces this development from the birth of Zionism in cosmopolitan Odessa in the nineteenth century … Read more

History of Modern Israel (2nd edition 2013)

Colin Shindler’s remarkable history begins in 1948, as waves of immigrants arrived in Israel from war-torn Europe to establish new cities, new institutions, and a new culture founded on the Hebrew language. Optimistic beginnings were soon replaced with the sobering reality of wars with Arab neighbours, internal ideological differences, and ongoing confrontation with the Palestinians. … Read more

Israel and the European Left: Between Solidarity and Delegitimisation (2012)

Why has the European Left become so antagonistic towards Israel? To answer this question, Colin Shindler looks at the struggle between Marxism-Leninism and Zionism from the October Revolution to today. Is such antagonism in opposition to the policies of successive Israeli governments? Or, is it due to a resurgence of anti-Semitism? The answer is far … Read more

History of Modern Israel (Italian, Beit 2011)

Lo stato d’Israele è nato nel 1948. Questo saggio di Colin Shindler ripercorre sessant’anni della storia d’Israele, dai suoi esordi pieni d’ottimismo e di speranze, con l’immigrazione, gli insediamenti, la costruzione delle città e delle istituzioni israeliane, attraverso le guerre con i vicini arabi e il confronto con i palestinesi, fino agli ultimi, recentissimi sviluppi. … Read more

History of Modern Israel (Polish, Książ i Wiedza 2011 )

Published by Cambridge University Press – 2008 The state of Israel came into existence in 1948. Colin Shindler’s book traces Israel’s history across sixty years, from its optimistic beginnings – immigration, settlement, the creation of its towns and institutions – through the wars with its Arab neighbours, and the confrontation with the Palestinians. Shindler paints a … Read more

History of Modern Israel (Estonian, Valgus 2011)

Published by Cambridge University Press – 2008 The state of Israel came into existence in 1948. Colin Shindler’s book traces Israel’s history across sixty years, from its optimistic beginnings – immigration, settlement, the creation of its towns and institutions – through the wars with its Arab neighbours, and the confrontation with the Palestinians. Shindler paints a … Read more